A Thai woman whose last name, Huang and her husband whose last name, Xie, were suspected of using the foreign labor convenience store as a cover to help a fraud group in remitting illegal money back to Taiwan. The initial estimation of the remittance amount was over NT$200 million. The International Bureau of the Criminal Police Department received the information and transferred it to Xinbei. The investigation by the local inspection department was carried out yesterday, and the prosecution interviewed 2 suspects to the case. After the interrogation, the suspects were found in violation of the Banking Act and brought into custody immediately.
The prosecution pointed out that from November last year to January this year, the Thai police investigated a fraud case involving a group of Malaysian and Taiwanese drivers. The investigation revealed that Huang and Xie were using the business, which is the foreign labor convenience store, as a cover to assist the fraud group in remitting money back to Taiwan. Also, to engage in small-scale under the table transactions between SMEs and companies in Taiwan and Thailand.
The International Section of the Criminal Police Department received the sentiment and handed it over to the prosecutor of the Xin Bei District Inspection Department, Yang Weihong. The prosecution found that the couple had a real-life foreign labor convenience store in Danshui, Tainan, and Xinzhuang. In the morning, the officers searched these 3 spots simultaneously and seized relevant accounting records, the declaration of the settlement of overseas wire, and cash of more than NT$120,000. The initial estimated remittance amount reached NT$200 million yuan.
In addition, when the procurator searched the foreign labor store in Danshui, a Thai migrant worker was found on the spot and was entrusted with Huang to settle NT$1,1716, and the couple was arrested on the spot.
After the prosecution’s investigation, they found in violation of the Banking Act, and there were still many remittances and account information that still need to be verified. After the witnesses were hooked up, the criminals were brought into custody. Further investigation is required to trace the source of underground exchange in order to facilitate Financial order.